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The BIG MOVE! New Garage for My Car Collection

It's time to move my cars to a new garage, and that means a Shmeemobile convoy! With the hunt for the future Shmuseum in progress, the collection is going to live for the time being at Duntbarn along with the Little Legends Cars. For now though, everything needs to be packed up and ready to start a new chapter.

After 4 years being based in the same location in central London, albeit in different spaces from time to time, it's been long overdue a change and I have a huge desire to find a 'Shmuseum'. The perfect location hasn't yet come along but with the existing space requiring 12 month lease renewals only, I didn't fancy being committed to the same space any longer considering the recent issues, and as such it's time to finally get all the Shmeemobiles moved elsewhere.

For the time being, it's a move to Duntbarn, the storage unit that's home to Little Legends Cars, and to do so we're taking 5 of the cars over immediately including: the Ford GT, McLaren 675LT Spider, AMG GT R Pro, Ferrari GTC4Lusso and the G63 as the transporter for all the stuff I've accumulated. Following the Senna incident 18 moths ago, I've kept a hold of the original parts including the door, fender, wing and more and of course these are being kept for my private garage in future too.

After a year with limited opportunities to get the cars on the road together, it's good fun to have a mini-convoy to get them moved before ultimately parking everything up on the ramps at Duntbarn to be stored for the time being.

Thanks for watching, Tim


Credits Shmee150
added on 14 Oct. 2020


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