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My First 300km/h Road Trip in the SLS Black Series!

It's the maiden voyage in my new Mercedes SLS AMG Black Series! The German Autobahns are beckoning as we head back to our home in Frankfurt, with a first opportunity to stretch the legs of the beast and a blast to 300km/h along the way. There may be just enough time to squeeze in a McDonald's Drive Thru on the way

After loading up our luggage in the SLS Black Series from the garage in London, the journey takes us to the Eurotunnel and a crossing over to France before continuing through Belgium and into Germany. It's a strange time to travel given the current restrictions in place, but with all the documentation to go, the SLS has been waiting for its first adventure which has now arrived.

It's a smooth sailing journey, as we get over to Germany and have an opportunity to enjoy the SLS Black Series on the de-restricted Autobahns on the way through to Frankfurt. General observations about the SLS though now that I've done some miles are that it's really very noisy onboard but is also a great car for the kind of driving I enjoy.

The primary reason for heading over is that my girlfriend and I are legally obliged to travel to Germany. We are actually moving places in Frankfurt and that means we have to get there to move our things out from the current place. In line with the updated travel regulations across the UK, France, Belgium and Germany, we are allowed to travel since we could not postpone it any further, having started this process back in March before these restrictions came into place.

Thanks for watching, Tim


Credits Shmee150
added on 1 Jun. 2020


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