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Where is My SLS AMG Black Series?

What exactly is going on with my Mercedes SLS AMG Black Series!? With the new GT Black Series in need of some running in mileage, let's head over 300 miles return to Avantgarde in Bristol to see the SLS BS for the first time this year and update on what's up with it.

At the end of 2020, I dropped off my SLS Black Series at Cambridge Car Audio for a significant sound system upgrade, due to be completed early in 2021. However, I went away over Christmas and during that time the travel restrictions changed and ended up staying in the USA until April. Unfortunately, just before my return, the car developed a fault which resulted in a horrendously long lead time until now for replacement parts to arrive owing to the current global parts supply shortage.

However, in the meantime it's been in the hands of the team at Avantgarde in Bristol; a specialist with high-end Mercedes-Benz cars and notably the Mercedes SLR McLaren. We're joined by Steve from Avantgarde to better explain everything around the car and what needed to be replaced. Thankfully now it's just a case of the last oil pressure sensors and then getting it all back together to bring it home to @TheShmuseum for the first time.

I cannot wait to get the SLS BS and GT BS together in the garage, after a long postponement for so many reasons, so hopefully that should now just be a week or two away... and maybe there's something else to join as well?!

Thanks for watching, Tim

00:00 Intro
00:51 Garage News
03:15 On the Road
10:21 Back with the SLS BS
12:58 What Happened?
17:29 Return Journey
19:13 Back Home

#Mercedes #AMG #SLSBlackSeries


Credits Shmee150
added on 25 Jul. 2021


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