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When Will I Buy Another Hypercar?

What is a hypercar? Is the McLaren Senna a hypercar? When will I buy a hypercar? Join me for a Fuel For Thought drive out in the Senna to tell you all my thoughts and why I don't currently have any plans to buy something crazier than the cars I own now.

My McLaren Senna has been mostly parked since all the outings last autumn to the Nurburgring, Switzerland for Supercar Owners Circle, and even keeping it in Germany for some Autobahn blasts into October. However, after parking it up for a breather in the later part of the year, I proceeded to head away for the entirety of this year so far and it's long overdue a good run.

A topic that's come up a lot recently is that of a hypercar and when one / another will join the garage. The Senna clearly sits right in the middle as to whether it fits the definition, but it's already taught me a lot about the ownership of much more expensive cars and the relative pros and cons. My perspective on the discussion of a hypercar vs a fleet of supercars might be of interest to some with points of view that you wouldn't necessarily have considered.

It has been a while since the last Fuel For Thought, so the perfect opportunity to share some of my musings during a drive out.

Thanks for watching, Tim

00:00 Intro
01:13 Getting Started
01:44 Senna Experience
02:10 Definition of a Hypercar
05:15 Comparison with Supercars
09:14 Prices
12:37 My Favourite Hypercar
15:12 Fastest non-Hybrid
17:50 What is a Hypercar
19:53 Wrap Up

#FuelForThought #Hypercar #Shmeemobile


Credits Shmee150
added on 9 May 2021


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