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Pro Racer's Take: 2020 Mazda 3 Hatchback

This edition of Pro Racer’s Take steps outside of our usual wheelhouse of super performance cars and the more common models we test that are still usually aimed squarely at enthusiasts. We’ve been big fans of the latest Mazda 3 ever since our first experiences behind its wheel, but our 2020 Mazda 3 track test might still seem an odd exercise. But sometimes it’s just as much fun, in its own way, to see what a reliable favorite can do as it is to push the latest supercar to limits everyone knows will by sky-high before the car in question ever turns a wheel. For the full story ????

Visit to see our entire library of onboard videos, and to check the full list of lap times for every car we've tested.

Credits Automobile Magazine
added on 15 Jul. 2020

Make: Mazda


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