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Preparing My SLS AMG BLACK SERIES! Essential Wash Prep at Topaz

It's time to prepare my new SLS AMG Black Series for the road! After the complete respray transformation from grey to Mystic Blue, it's now vital that the paintwork is well protected for the future. As such, a visit to Topaz detailing is compulsory to have full coverage paint protection film installed, which all begins with an essential wash to prepare the surfaces.

Allowing plenty of time for the new paint to settle, it's now time to get started with the next processes. Typically you'd need at least 2-3 weeks between paintwork and PPF, but in this case it has already had 6 weeks, more than enough. First up it's into the Topaz Detailing wash bay where it can receive the ultimate wash to remove contaminants, and ensure the surfaces are primed for a full inspection of the paint quality.

I'm very pleased to report that Chartwell have completed a truly fantastic job, the quality of the new paintwork on the car is exceptional and very much ready and set for PPF as it is. Typically a brand new car from factory would have orange peel, holograms, pig tails and all sorts of paint defects present, but as it is we are good to go!

As the car completes through the wash bay process, and we can have an inspection of the paint, it's then immediately into the workshop to kick start the Paint Protection Film process using templates that Topaz have refined and perfected for the SLS AMG Black Series. Given the nature of the car being 7 years old, the materials and technology has moved on substantially, making it possible to really cover the car perfectly as we're going to see soon.

You can also find out more about Topaz with the following links:

Thanks for watching, Tim


Credits Shmee150
added on 11 May 2020


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