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Porsche 356 Speedster BARN FIND with The Late Brake Show! | PistonHeads

Jonny Smith off of @TheLateBrakeShow brings a never-before seen Porsche 356 Speedster barn find to PistonHeads Annual Service 2024. It's one of the early Pre-A Speedsters, one of only 1,234 built, and it's likely only a few of those still remain. Having spent decades stuck in a barn in the United States, it's now been given a extensive mechanical overhaul and is back in running order. Here's the full story on its discovery - and why it won't be getting a respray any time soon.

???? A massive thank you to Jonny and Paul for bringing the Porsche and chatting to us!

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Credits PistonHeads
added on 1 Dec. 2024

Make: Porsche


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