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MINI Clubman JCW 306hp - on track with the R53, R55 and F56 | PistonHeads

Promoted: You may have read our recent dream drive ( which saw us circumnavigating the UK to visit its three highest peaks in the brand new MINI Clubman John Cooper Works 306hp.

In part two, the journey continues on to Anglesey. There we have a date with an empty track, 5 MINI JCWs and an enthusiastic trio of PH members wanting to put the new MINI Clubman JCW 306hp through its paces.

There’ll be a full summary of the day from Dan soon, but for now it’s over to our intrepid PHers to see how the new car performs versus their own previous-gen JCWs…

Click here for more information on the new Mini JCW:

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Credits PistonHeads
added on 14 Oct. 2019

Make: Mini


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