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IndyCar Driver Graham Rahal and his PURPLE Ford GT!

IndyCar racing driver Graham Rahal owns a stunning purple Ford GT, which was built on the assembly line side-by-side my own! Let's catch up with Graham, bring the two cars together and chat all things Ford GT.

These two cars must be two of the most unique Ford GTs out there so having them together makes for a fantastic sight. They were both assembled side by side at the Multimatic plant in Markham, Ontario outside of Toronto, during a period of Extended Palette configurations that closed out the 2018 build year.

While Graham is most well known as a current IndyCar racer, he's also a former Daytona 24h winner as well numerous other events and race series, and on the side has a passion for his own supercars and motorcycles. For the latter, the Ford GT is joined in his garages by a huge array of different Ducati models as well as his classic Morris Mini; his first car and still plays a daily driver roll in the garage.

To kick off, let's chat all things Ford GT looking at the two cars together before hopping on board for a drive to see what the car means to him and what he thinks of it.

Thanks for watching, Tim


Credits Shmee150
added on 13 Oct. 2019

Make: Ford


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