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Everyday Supercar | Audi R8 | eGarage

"Near the end of my time with the R8s, I pulled over at an overlook to admire the view and to listen to the sounds of the other R8s filling the canyon. The unique sound of the harmonic Audi R8s echoing off of the canyon walls was a perfect time for retrospect. It is one thing to going into this day thinking that it might just be the greatest day that I've experienced professionally, it is another thing altogether to look back on the day that just happened and realize that it actually was." - Mike Juergens for

Music is "Fracture" by Danny McCarthy


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eGarage is the result of years of experience in the Automotive world amongst four very different kinds of enthusiasts. One came from design and marketing, one from real estate and collecting, one from gaming and photography and one from technology and engineering. What brought us together was a collective dissatisfaction with the way Automotive content is portrayed on the internet.

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Everyday Supercar

Credits eGarage
added on 18 Jun. 2013

Make: Audi


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