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2019 Mustang Week to Wicked—1990 Fox Body Mustang Day 3

Day 3 recap. We stayed a little bit later than usual last night here in the Santa Ana shop, making sure all of the Maximum Motorsports suspension was installed and dialed in, then spent the first half of today dressing the Ford Performance Parts X302E 302ci crate engine with its accessories and the Vortech supercharger.

With the engine and trans in place, it was time to install the complete Pypes bolt-on exhaust system. Once the exhaust was buttoned up, we set the rear end at right height to measure for the driveshaft length. Check back in tomorrow when we dive inside the car and install the interior, gauges, stereo and more. #WeekToWicked #Mustang

Credits MotorTrend Channel
added on 21 Nov. 2019


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